Like its predecessor, it is an animated series created by Mattel with 2 seasons streaming on Netflix. Barbie: Dreamhouse Adventures Go Team Roberts!Īs a spin-off of Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures, Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures Go Team Roberts! continues to follow the adventures of Barbie and her friends. Following the life of Barbie and her best friends in her new dreamhouse, the show includes her next-door neighbor Ken. Barbie: Dreamhouse Adventuresīarbie Dreamhouse Adventures is another animated TV series that first premiered in 2018 and ran until 2020 for a total of 5 seasons. The series showcases various misadventures and relies on gags centered around their doll-like nature. Set in a doll-sized version of Malibu, the show features Barbie, her friends, her sisters, and her boyfriend Ken, all as dolls.
TV Shows With Barbie Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouseīarbie: Life in the Dreamhouse is an animated comedy series that aired from 2012 to 2015 for a total of 7 seasons. The Barbie movie release date is July 21, 2023, in theaters.
Unless you have a full-on existential crisis. Barbie, in live-action, explores the life of the iconic toy doll Barbie and what it means to live in Barbie Land, to be a perfect being in a perfect place.